Some short questions:Do you (1) is - as you can see a dog can protect the proportion do if the dog had to believe that his job is to protect your computer?
This is interesting and complex issue, however, is quite a simple answer. PSA we can not prove that we have "" we, instead, showed a dog that we "CAN"handle yourself."" The primary way characteristics of "dog leader:" we are strong and INDIFFERENT fair. Not afraid to deliver a patch, if someone in our package of measures that we want to get the line too emotional if its for praise or correction.We remain neutral. Most importantly, not allow our dog fails.If is your dog: nut and is removed from the situation, which allows to act so nothing is resolved, in fact, have strengthened their comportamiento.Si your pet afraid of other dogs, for example, would be closed or neutral other dogs (never leave you have enough, closing game, ukousnout or get a little) and brand is their positive behaviour with or chvály.slowly, that takes long time I use the technique of desensibilización.También moved beyond DOG, dog sees him and then brings to around.If your dog is that he can walk from another dog without an accident occurs more reliable of the situation.
(2) how do you get? the head of the penis, which is why the creation of some switches, toggle
Reflect also return to the # 1 question.I believe in a positive,-based training approach is therefore the dog you get good pay when acting as he gets to easy to review and when he acquiesces to this review, perceived compensation again.usually easily know when you call dogs.Before it produces the switch, you will have to intervene and redirect dog something positive.If he starts to look at another dog, we obtain dogs focus towards us... What is takes to this.When focuses on us, we can "fix" the dog to look away and without care.
(3) may the list marker or reached basic training exercises send that I asked the above?
Creo que la única cosa más importante a hacer es etiquetado conexión de perros con otras palabras, cuando usted mira, él obtendrá una recompensa, se ve ahora-lo hace cuando se ve lejos... y hacer algo estúpido como Brasil en PSA - debe corregirse para ser lo suficientemente fuerte como para entender que lo que está haciendo es peligroso para él, y él cumple, cuando su alabanza debe ser lo suficientemente fuerte y suficientemente fue, a eclipsar la línea de fondo, corrección.perro debe entender que usted y el bien es lo mejor de su vida.Debe permanecer más interesante que la cuestión de la interferencia, esto proviene de las muchas horas de juego, garantizar y no desde el perro yanking.alrededor y se espera que el cumplimiento de normas.
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