Tuesday, May 25, 2010

2 × 2 Weaving.

Published by Fanny 21 April 2010 in agility and Videos.Tags: 2 x 2.

I really am lagging behind with the English blog, but I'll try to update more frequently in the future. We had a long winter and snow only disappeared (although it's snowing today).We have always been able to do a lot of training to the Interior and two progressent.Dans girls this post, I'll show you how Squid weaving with method 2 × 2 has progressed in the last month.

This is the first video, where we are going to four poles of lines for the first meeting fois.Elle problems with entries from 10-11.

Squid Fanny Gott on Vimeo.

In the following video, the problem persists:

Squid Fanny Gott on Vimeo.

So I decided to break up and work on only this weakness:

This element's after a session:

These are the two sessions of the day after, where I add a break in front of a set of four poles of straight lines .it ' was a real lesson on latent learning, where you can see the great difference between the two sessions (with a break of five minutes between them):

In this clip, we had a short session since the last video:

This is the last video, where I spent from four to eight pôles.Nous had a session since the last video, where I have progressively on four repetitions put together two sets of four poles:

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