WOW! I like that for many contributed to the discussion on formatting. Total (Swedish and English blog), there are over 50 comments. This seems to be a subject that needs discussion. I'll write some of my own thoughts on the subject, but of course, I do not all responses (null result). I do not think that the formatting works only for a certain type of dog. Our dogs are all very different, but they are all successful format. Some of them were as easy to train, but that would probably be true regardless of the method.I believe that is each trainer to decide how they wish to train their dogs, until the method is the award by fonction.Je see many great benefits with formatting, compared to malicious or targeting, and is why I use it much.
How do you choose training your dog, think twice before making statements like "shape makes my dog noted"or"my dog does not like to think for itself". Of course, dogs are born with different personalities, but we can do much to move in the right direction. I always try to strengthen the weakest sides by constructing the toy drive, socialization, handling, etc.In this respect, I also included how my dog is getting forme.Je training believe that you can get any (with some exceptions) dogs to be quiet and concentrated in the formatting. And that all dogs can learn to shape love.
It is, of course, a question that you want to spend the time doing. Some trainers dogs always seem to find the path of least resistance - if the dog plays, they him treats you instead of this, if the dog recover, they use toys, dog get if passive in shaping, they help him.Like a trainer that the may feel that it is to simplify matters (unlike poor people like me who will "do everything so complicated"), but it will undoubtedly get shaped by his dog.Which causes the dog develop its strengths, but it will never have the chance to work alongside its more faibles.Lorsque I think calmly, people ask me where get me the patience to do the formatting should be lots of patience from me if I had to help my dogs across all their vie.La formatting may require some patience for a short period of time when you simply start, but you'll this time several times in the future. A dog that is formatted wise will learn much faster than the dog who always needs advice things progress.
Champions in any field to make a habit of making others find annoying or uncomfortable
The biggest problem in the Swedish comments were people how desribed training.Here's an example: "I have heard about dogs stop much as soon as they are supposed to provide behaviors". The keyword is planned.Stop expect nothing from the dog, and you'll be well faire.Tous dogs "offer" behaviors all the temps.Ils stand, sit, lie, detect, drink, eat, pee, scratch, turn the head, walk, yawn, prick their ears, wag their tails...If one of these behaviors starts producing a reward the dog really wants, this behavior will increase fréquence.Voila!-the dog is offering behaviors.
Stop your efforts to influence the dog and begin to look to find reinforce behaviors.
If your dog gets worried when of formatting, you shouldn't be is on the dog and expect him offer behaviors. It's a great commentary published in the Swedish blog:
Jessica says:
"I thought that my young anxious dog could not be forged". It never offered behaviors and it is concerned more and finally lie some share of PAS. But then I tried to click for all movements, so long as it has done something.And suddenly, she had.You can really see the pride that she gets and how its self-confidence is growing."Look at me!"."Is it not this value a click!
If you have a dog that gets concerned by formatting, try tonight: get ready milking really tasty Bowl.Lock other missing dogs (if you have several) .Allumez the tv and watch something that is sufficient for you patience interesting but not so interesting that you forget all about the dog.Choose if you want to use a click or not (depending on previous experiences your dog with the click).Watch TV.Reward all movements since the dog by (by clicking on and) throw a feast for the chien.Faire recognizes all movements first .If your dog begins only repeting behavior, you can choose to not reward than any more, but expect something other .it ' is a good idea to make sure that the dog has move get process (if your dog is down, throwing process so that it has to stand up for it it) .If your dog will sleep - allow lui.Il will be finally get thirsty, pee need or simply get up to change the position.Si you don't get this evening a large number of behaviors, you can place the bowl of trafficking in the refrigerator and try again tomorrow.
There is no simple answer to cette.Mais I am convinced that there are many dogs that could benefit if they have only the possibility of getting forme.Il was so much to write about it, and I will have to return to elle.surtout if you keep discuss in the command field!
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