a one week gross. It started throwing Monday morning and has not preserve food or water all day. I was not particularly concerned because it seemed his normal, happy self. When I woke up on Tuesday, I discovered that she had sneaked descended repeatedly during the night, and approximately eight puddles yellow left on the ground. I also realized that she was in great pain (it would close its eyes and the bow) and seemed to lose his balance at times. We went directly to the vet, where they took some samples of blood (which showed nothing out of the ordinary, except that it was dehydrated) and its review. It was to remain for more than 24 hours and obtain medicines and fluid through an intravenous drip.Yesterday, I received his back, and apart from being very hungry and a little tired, it seems fine.Je don't know which resulted in him to do so sick, but I hope to ensure that we will again meet.
It is now eating small quantities of kibble (feed us generally plain, but it you eat intestinal RC for a while, doctors orders) several times per day and it was not supposed to eat for quickly.Ideal opportunity for the small formations.Nous worked on his trips, sitting back crosses, put on his neck (she hates it) and the quiet but very useful behaviors .j ' also plans to start working seriously on his discrimination perfume, is perfect, when full air cold, dark and snowy.
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