Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some videos.

Published by Fanny 25 February 2010, categorized.

We do a pretty extreme vinter to the South of Sweden. We have approximately 85 cm of snow and more from this weekend. I want a little snow, it makes everything more luminous and cleaner, but it is really too. We can train or teach in our district facilities, normal as it is closed due to snow (some buildings, such as tennis and installations, centres of horseback have collapsed because of the snow on the roof). Because of this, we had found a new place last weekend seminar on break. We did, but then it started to snow, and roads and trains simply collapsed. Our instructor, Vappu Alatalo, was on a train from Copenhagen to Örebo, but never obtained here.She has spent 24 hours of travel, but nowhere (she eventually simply attempted to obtain at) obtenu.donc, the Seminar cancelled.

As long as my training field was labouré, I was correct. We could make Berger, obedience, and much work of the Foundation for responsiveness. Now, we are still waiting for the upcoming snow plow bye again, but it seems that we are going to wait in vain. I wish that we had our own tractor.On the positive side, you can really say that spring vient.Il is much clearer in the afternoon, now, and the sun shines on our domains. We did not get any sunlight in the middle of winter, as we are surrounded by trees that has blocked the Sun for a few months.

Thomas and Pogue was a class II obedience trial on Valentine's day.It was a little early and everything was perfect, but they have enough points to pass to the next classe.Ils focus on search and rescue this spring and summer tests and can do more obedience (class III and elite) in autumn specified are wonderful to watch team, you can really tell how Thomas likes this chien.Il is only 16 months younger than Squid, which did not all evaluate again a month.

Here's a video of Thomas and discrimination fragrance training Pogue, the first step to exercise with scented in the class III and elite items:

Here's a video of Squid and do some shadow manipulation:

And we also began training knits with method 2 × 2:

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